Friday, December 3, 2010

Letter to NewsMax: all the bank bailouts were Bush Bank Bailouts

Since my Letter to NewsMax, after seeing a misleading article was not accepted by their web site (it kept giving an error message) I will run their error correction task on this publicly:

Julie Cranshaw's reporting, and I fear this may be true of your entire staff, needs to be aware of the (I'll assume honest) mistake in her March 5, 2010 article "Soros: Obama's Bank Bailouts Were Big Mistake." As CBS has pointed out, more Americans incorrectly believe Obama did the bank bailouts, and don't know the fact that these were all BUSH BAILOUTS occurring in 2008.

And apparently your reporters also don't know that all the bank bailouts were Bush Bank Bailouts.

TARP, the nationalization of AIG, Fannie and Freddie, the Federally-backed takeovers of Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, and on and on, all of this was 100% under Bush. If you can find any bank bailouts under Obama, cite amounts disbursed that fall outside of the TARP program (signed by Bush into Law in 2008), and then compare whatever you can find - in my extensive research you will find virtually nothing - to the trillions the banks got under Bush. Most of this was Federal Reserve Programs, some of which continued under Obama but all of these were run autonomously by Bush appointee Bernanke.

The only Obama bailouts were the half of the Auto Bailout that hadn't already been committed by Bush prior to Obama becoming president and the vastly scaled back (albeit ill-conceived nonetheless) Public-Private Investment Program.

The ironic thing about Ms. Cranshaw's article is Soros, whose positions the article is all about, doesn't even call them Obama's bailouts. Your author inserts the additional erroneous information to mislead what Pew and CBS (see link above) proved is an already severely misinformed public on this very issue.