Saturday, January 5, 2008

Letter to Newsbusters

This was my recent letter to, which is a media watchgroup aimed at lambasting alleged liberal media bias:

Your whole site is based on a false premise. We are absolutely overrun with a one-sided right wing corporate mainstream media (MSM).

You cannot find a progressive voice 99% of the time on TV or anywhere else, save for some pockets of public radio. AM radio is just about 100% right-wing lunatic. How many Air Americas are there? Answer: ONE. The only chance to hear honest analysis in the MSM is the 1st 1/2 hour of Olbermann's program. Other than that, even CNN has completely crossed over to your dark side. If you can't see that, that the media has a severe pervasive right-wing bias from top to bottom, you are not fit to operate a motor vehicle. It’s no surprise corporations are blindly pro-corporate and promilitary-industrial complex since most of the media is owned by a few companies, and a really a few Rupert Murdoch type personalities. Have you ever heard of media consolidation?

Listen to Counterspin. Listen to Democracy Now. Do it religiously. Turn off the FOX news BS, turn off Rush Oxycontin Dopehead Limbaugh. Don't listen to anything from the right-wing think tanks that dominate our media and our government. Maybe then you will be open to progressive voices, which represent the desires of the majority of Americans on every important issue, health care, war, economy, etc. in poll after poll. Stop endorsing (and encouraging the endorsement of) politicians who only work to enrich the top 1% by looting the US treasury and VASTLY EXPANDING THE SIZE of government - look at the runaway spending under this GOP administration. If it wasn't for George Bush BLOATING THE GOVT we would have lost jobs in this economy since 2001.

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